Sunday, February 15, 2009

Back to Bloggin'

One thing that we have learned about living in the Philippines is things never go expected... that can be said about anywhere and anything, but believe me, it happens here a lot more! Like not being able to upload my website suddenly, even after being able to for five months. Or not having internet service for five days because "something was wrong"... really? Like we didn't know that already. We currently have three different internet sources at the moment, none of them helping with our skype connection either- we're lucky to get two good minutes before we're shut down. We have internet through the school, Smartbro (the only internet service available here) and their modem prepaid service as well. What about the 43 minute limit on phone calls? I'm not kidding- the phone line goes dead, although sometimes my mom and I have pushed it to 49 minutes.

So I'll leave that rant and rave now and let you know that this is the new website (at least for now... you never know). I'll be posting pictures and random information once again. As for the videos, I'll put them into a Smilebox and then attach that to the site, if all goes well.

Needless to say, I'm am really looking forward to a long three day weekend we have starting February 21st. However, before I get my nice break I'll be on my own with two kiddos while Jake taking the whole 8th grade to "Camp". Camp being a relative term, because it really is a resort with minimal nature activities- go figure, but they call it camp anyways.

Valentine's Day was great. We were able to meet up with the boys from the group home and hang out with them at a park. They range in ages from 6-12. The sad thing is, due to the economy issues, they are having to send the boys that have a home back and only keep the older ones. Many of these boys have a home but one of extreme poverty where most of them were street kids. In the home, they get fed, clothed, and sent to school. They are so grateful for any attention they get. Jake was busy swinging, spinning and throwing with them. The cutest thing is all the boys absolutely adore Coleman and Carter, taking care of them like brothers.

Coleman and Carter got little goodie bags in the morning filled with small treats, like lollipops and flashlights, and yes, they were eating a lollipop at 8:30 in the morning. Later, a small kitchen was delivered. It is handmade in the Philippines, which is important to us because we like supporting the local economy whenever possible. Hopefully, there will be more posts and pics to come. It just took me about six tries to get a pic to save.

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